There are 2 primary ways to practice this pose. The first way is to begin facing the tree, about 1 or 2 feet away from the trunk. With the hands on the trunk, take a wide stance with the toes angled out 45 to 90 degrees. The farther you angle the toes out, the more external rotation you will get with the hips, and the more challenging the pose becomes. The feet should be a good deal apart — 2 or 3 times wider than hip-width. On an inhalation, slowly lower down — keeping the spine long. On an exhalation, drive down through the heels and return to a standing position. You can also hold this pose at the bottom for several breaths, which is an excellent way to open the hips, as well as to improve overall flexibility and strength.

The second way to practice this pose is facing away from the tree — with your back against the trunk. This variation is only to be practiced statically — not dynamically. Keeping the back against the trunk of the tree, find a wide stance with the toes angled out. Bend the knees, drop the hips, and settle into the pose for several breaths. This will build tree trunk strength in the legs.