What is Tree Yoga?

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What is

Tree Yoga?


Tree Yoga may be one of the most important discoveries of our time, and reading this book could be one of the most important things you ever do. Most people cannot initially fathom the magnitude of this profound discovery. They cannot believe that the answer to so many health problems has been right in front of them this whole time. There are endless health benefits of Tree Yoga, and it is the solution to many of the most troubling problems of society — including addiction, chronic stress, dysfunctional relationships, mental illness, and the technological tyranny many people have become subject to. We have had the solutions around us this entire time. The trees have always been here as valuable untapped resources. The full potential of trees has not been utilized until now, and this book will teach you how. Welcome to Tree Yoga School.

Contemplation and

Connecting Dots

Contemplation is different than meditation. In meditation, we bring our focus to a single point and hold it there. If we are meditating on the breath, and then the mind goes off into the future or the past, we bring it back to that single focus point — the breath. However, with the exercise of contemplation, we allow the mind to wander more, and this can bring things together. This allows dots to connect.

I’ve been told to trust the timing of my life many times, and I’m sure someone has said something similar to you before too. This is easier said than done at times, especially when you feel behind. It was difficult to trust the timing with this project. So many crazy things were happening, and there were many setbacks. However, the trees taught me to slow down and accept things as they are. This is where the greatest clarity is found.

Once I finally slowed down and got present with life, I started to see how beautifully everything was actually coming together. Sometimes, the synchronicities and the timing of it all still blows my mind. I have been practicing and teaching yoga for many years, however it was only in the past few years that I really got into nature and forest bathing. Additionally, people — who would later become key mentors — came into my life at just the right time. They opened my eyes to many things, including the dangers of addiction to technology. They taught me about electromagnetic fields and energy healing. They showed me the importance of connection and love. They introduced me to sacred books like the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao Te Ching, and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. All these things coming together at the perfect time led me to the discovery of Tree Yoga.

Just the Beginning

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Tree Yoga, however this is just the beginning. Yoga is only 1% theory and 99% practice. Yes, you read and study to learn what to do, but the vast majority of the benefits come from actually doing it. Too many people get caught in the trap of always learning, but never doing. I will admit that I have fallen for this trap many times. You must practice what you learn about. I wholeheartedly believe that the practice of Tree Yoga will benefit you immensely on many levels. It leads to vibrant health, as well as to mental and emotional freedom. It reconnects us with nature, and with love. It purifies our energy, and polishes our perception. Tree Yoga brings us back to our original enlightened state, and it even connects us with supernatural abilities. After all, being supernatural is supposed to be super natural.