Hula Hoop

Hip Circles

Remaining in a seated position for extended periods of time is detrimental to the body. Just 30 minutes of continuous sitting deactivates the core and glutes, as well as the metabolism. It also tightens the hip flexors and psoas — resulting in anterior pelvic tilt. This dynamic movement is the remedy for problems caused by sitting too much.

Begin about a foot away from the trunk, facing the tree. Place the hands on the outsides of the trunk. On an exhalation, circle the hips forward. On an inhalation, circle the hips back. Be as fluid as you can with this movement, and don’t feel as though you need to keep the hands glued to the tree. Adjust the hands accordingly — however results in the best stretch. To make this movement more dynamic, arch the spine as you circle forward, and round the spine as you circle back. Practice for a couple cycles of breath in each direction.