Leg Swings

We want to practice consciously slowing down as often as possible, but there is a time and a place for more dynamic and faster movement patterns. This is one of those times, and this movement really opens up the hips, as well as improves overall mobility of the legs. It also increases flexibility in the hamstrings.

Begin on the side of the tree, about an arm’s length away from the trunk. Place the hand of the arm closest to the tree directly on the trunk. Root down through the foot farthest away from the tree. On an inhalation, swing the inside leg back. On an exhalation, swing the leg forward — in front of the body. Even though this is a faster movement, still flow with the breath. Allow yourself to fully warm up the hips, but eventually try to kick the leg up as high as possible. This gets easier to do the more you practice. Additionally, make sure to keep the spine long and the posture strong. Practice on both sides.