Tree Root

Super Charging

I will never forget when I first discovered the power of connecting with the roots of a tree. I was in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with my Brother. We had just walked through the Flume Gorge when I noticed a fascinating tree. The tree had grown on top of a boulder, and the roots wrapped around the giant rock. Thus, they were exposed and you could grab on to them. I grabbed on to the roots of this tree and started doing some deep breaths. The next thing that happened is simply incredible. A chipmunk ran up to me and began watching me do Tree Yoga. After a few moments of watching, the chipmunk walked over and sat down on top of my left foot. I was blown away. Chipmunks are typically so skittish, and they rarely come close to people. Yet, I had one sitting on my foot just minutes after this discovery.

The roots of a tree are the most grounding part of a tree. This energy is needed nowadays more than ever. The majority of people live completely cerebral lives, with all of their energy always centered in the brain. Additionally, they are often going a hundred different directions at a hundred miles per hour. We all can benefit from slowing down and practicing more grounding, and there is nothing more grounding than the roots of a tree. Once you find a tree you can work with, just grab on to the roots and breathe deeply. That is all you have to do, and you will feel more centered than ever.