Tree Yoga Flows

Deep Relaxation Flow

Supine Centering

Spinal Flossing

Reclined Hip Circles

Bridge Pose

Reclined Wrist Circles

Reverse Tabletop

Child Pose

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Downward-Facing Dog

Transition to Standing

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Shoulder Circles

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Assisted Tree Pose

Chest Stretch

Vertical Lat Stretch

Horizontal Lat Stretch

Forward Fold

Standing Backbend

Tree Hug Pose

Transition to Ground

Pigeon Pose

Wide V-Sit or Seated Forward Fold

Reclined Twist

Prone Centering

Flexibility Flow

Supine Centering

Spinal Flossing

Reclined Hip Circles

Bridge Pose

Reclined Wrist Circles

Reverse Tabletop

Child Pose

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Downward-Facing Dog

Transition to Standing

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Leg Swings

Standing Lateral Leg Swings

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Shoulder Circles



Diagonal Lunge

Standing Pigeon

Standing Splits

Chest Stretch

Vertical Lat Stretch

Horizontal Lat Stretch

Heart Opener with Gymnastics Rings

Transition to Ground

Table Side Body Stretch

Pigeon Pose

Wide V-Sit

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering

Front Body Opener Flow

Supine Centering

Spinal Flossing

Reclined Hip Circles

Low Boat Pose

Bridge Pose

Reclined Wrist Circles

Reverse Tabletop

Reverse Plank

Child Pose

Tabletop Alternate Balance Pose

Downward-Facing Dog

Upward-Facing Dog


Transition to Standing

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Backbend



Dancer Pose

Inverted Rows with Gymnastics Rings

Heart Opener with Gymnastics Rings

Mountain Pose

Transition to Ground

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Wheel Pose (or Bridge Pose)

Plow Pose (or Reclined Butterfly Pose)

Supine Centering

Mobility Energizer Flow

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Shoulder Circles

Standing Elbow Circles

Standing Wrist Circles

Standing Neck Circles

Standing Leg Swings

Standing Lateral Leg Swings

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Knee Circles

Standing Single-Leg Ankle Circles

Standing Achilles Stretch

Standing Calf Raises



Dancer Pose

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Transition to Ground

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Wheel Pose (or Bridge Pose)

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering

Prime Balance Flow

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Knee Circles

Standing Single-Leg Ankle Circles

Standing Achilles Stretch

Standing Calf Raises


Assisted Tree Pose

Big Toe Pose

Dancer Pose

Warrior III

Balancing Half Moon

Balancing Revolved Half Moon

Assisted Eyes-Closed Balance

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Transition to Ground

Assisted Headstand, Forearm Stand, or Handstand

Child Pose

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering

Releasing Negative Energy Flow

Bioenergetic Bouncing

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Knee Circles

Standing Single-Leg Ankle Circles

Standing Shoulder Circles

Standing Elbow Circles

Standing Wrist Circles

Standing Neck Circles


Heart Opener with Rings

Standing Side Bend

Standing Backbend

Bioenergetic Bouncing

Tree Hug Pose

Transition to Ground

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Pigeon Pose

Wide V-Sit

Reclined Twist

Prone Centering

Side Body Opener Flow

Supine Centering

Spinal Flossing

Reclined Hip Circles

Low Boat Pose

Bridge Pose

Reclined Wrist Circles

Reverse Tabletop

Child Pose

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Tabletop Same-Side Balance Pose

Downward-Facing Dog

Transition to Standing

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Shoulder Circles

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Side Bend

Standing Lateral Leg Swings

Extended Side Angle

Triangle Pose

Balancing Half Moon

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Transition to Ground

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering

Squat Mobility Flow

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Knee Circles

Standing Single-Leg Ankle Circles

Standing Achilles Stretch

Standing Calf Raises



Twisting Lunge


Chair Pose

Horse Pose


Dancer Pose

Standing Pigeon

Standing Side Bend

Standing Backbend


Transition to Ground

Pigeon Pose

Wheel Pose (or Bridge Pose)

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering

Tree Trunk Strength Flow

Mountain Pose

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Hip Circles

Standing Single-Leg Knee Circles

Standing Single-Leg Ankle Circles

Standing Shoulder Circles

Standing Elbow Circles

Standing Wrist Circles

Standing Neck Circles


Warrior I

Warrior II

Warrior III

Horse Pose


Twisting Lunge

Chair Pose

Pistol Chair Pose

Plyometric Push Ups

Inverted Rows with Gymnastics Rings

Pull-Ups with Gymnastics Rings

Transition to Ground


Wheel Pose

Assisted Headstand, Forearm Stand, or Handstand

Child Pose

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering

Twisting Flow

Supine Centering

Spinal Flossing

Reclined Hip Circles

Low Boat Pose

Bridge Pose

Reclined Wrist Circles

Reverse Tabletop

Child Pose

Downward-Facing Dog

Transition to Standing

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Standing Dynamic Twisting

Standing Cat/Cow

Standing Hula Hoop Hip Circles



Twisting Lunge


Triangle Pose

Revolved Triangle Pose


Balancing Revolved Half Moon

Mountain Pose

Tree Plugging Pose

Transition to Ground

Tabletop Side Body Stretch

Reclined Twist

Supine Centering