Tree Yoga Meditations

5-Point Meditation

There are 5 key points of contact we want to make with the tree. Ideally, both feet and both hands should be directly connected to the tree. If this is not possible with the tree you are working with, the feet can be firmly planted on the ground. For the last point, bring the middle of the forehead to the trunk. Take deep breaths in this position for several minutes or longer. You can visualize the energy of the tree coming into you on inhalation, and you can visualize your energy going into the tree on exhalation. For the best results, practice barefoot.

Chair Meditation

Set up a chair as close as possible to the trunk of a tree. Make sure that the ground is relatively level. Root down through the sit bones, as well as through the feet, which should be planted firmly on the Earth. At the same time, lengthen the spine up through the crown of the head. Take low and slow deep breaths from the belly. Practice for several minutes or longer.

Prone Supercharge Meditation

This is my favorite Tree Yoga meditation. To this day, I am still shocked at how centering and grounding this particular meditation is. Begin in a prone position, with the belly on the ground. You want the head close to the tree so that you can reach in front of you and grab on to the trunk. It should be as if you are giving the tree a hug. Breathe deeply in this position, and practice for several minutes or longer.

Reclined Meditation

Relax down onto the ground. You can be in a supine or prone position. Find the most comfortable position that best allows you to focus on the breath. Take deep and full breaths — expanding the breath in all directions. You can visualize yourself filling with light on inhalation, and radiating the light out in all directions on exhalation. Practice for several minutes or longer.

Seated Meditation

Find a comfortable seated position at the base of the tree. Get as close to the trunk as possible. Either maintain a vertical spine free of any support from the tree, or gently relax the back against the trunk. Bring all of your awareness into the present moment. Bring total focus to the breath. You can visualize yourself filling with light on inhalation, and radiating the light out in all directions on exhalation. Practice for several minutes or longer.

Thank You Love Meditation

Find the most comfortable position that best allows you to focus on the breath. This can be seated, or completely relaxed down on the ground. After a few rounds of conscious breathing, introduce the “Thank You, I Love You” mantra. A mantra is a phrase or word repeated silently within to serve as a focusing point. On inhalations, repeat “thank you”. On exhalations, repeat “I love you”. You can also visualize yourself filling with light on the inhalations, and radiating the light out in all directions on exhalations. Any time the mind drifts away to the future or past, bring it back to the mantra. Practice for several minutes or longer.

Tree Hugging Meditation

Begin as close to the tree as possible, and wrap your arms around the trunk. The face can be directly against the tree, or you can turn it to either side. Hug the tree as if you were hugging someone you love. Let go, and relax into this position. Breathe low and slow — deeply from the belly. Keep one-pointed focus on the breath. If you drift away, don’t judge yourself, but rather just bring it back to the breath. You can visualize the energy of the tree coming into you on inhalation, and you can visualize your energy going into the tree on exhalation. Practice for several minutes or longer. For the best results, practice barefoot.

Tree of Life Meditation

Begin in a seated position at the base of the tree. Get as close to the trunk as possible. Either maintain a vertical spine free of any support from the tree, or gently relax the back against the trunk. Close the eyes, and bring your awareness to the breath. As you take slow full breaths, visualize yourself growing roots down into the ground as you also grow higher towards the sky. On each inhalation, see the roots grow deeper. On each exhalation, see yourself grow higher. Practice for several minutes or longer.

Tree Plugging Meditation

Begin in a standing position, relatively close to the tree. Place both hands directly on the trunk. Root down through the soles of the feet as you simultaneously lengthen up through the crown. Roll the shoulders back and down away from the ears. Feel the connection between your hands and the trunk as you take deep conscious breaths. You can visualize the energy of the tree coming into you on inhalation, and you can visualize your energy going into the tree on exhalation. Practice for several minutes or longer. For the best results, practice barefoot.

Witness Meditation

One of the primary teachings of meditation is to become the witness of our thoughts and emotions, as opposed to judging them and identifying with them. To practice this, find the most comfortable position for you — either seated or relaxed down on the ground. Bring all of your awareness into the present moment, and begin to watch the breath. See yourself taking slow inhalations and slow exhalations. Anytime a thought or emotion comes through, just watch it. Don’t judge it, and don’t identify with it as who you are. Instead, just witness it flow through you. Practice for several minutes or longer.