
Ankle Circles

The ankles are the foundation of mobility. If you want good overall mobility, you need to have mobility with the ankles. Further, a problem with the foundation gets worse with time, and it goes up the chain of the body. Lack of ankle mobility will result in poor mobility throughout the body — even the upper body eventually if this issue is not addressed.

Begin on the side of the tree, about 1 or 2 feet away. Grab on to the trunk with the inside arm. Alternatively, start slightly farther away and plant the hand on the trunk. Root down through the inside foot, and lift the other leg in front of the body. Keep the spine long and maintain a steady breath as you make slow circles with the ankle of the lifted leg. Bring as much awareness as possible down to the ankle joint, and make the circles as big as you can. Try to trace a slightly bigger circle each time. Practice in both directions, and on both sides.